Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Well here we go...Education 186-51

1. Elizabeth Sangdahl, Wickliffe Ohio, esangdahl13@jcu.edu
2. I prefer Elizabeth but I will respond to Liz.
3. I would love to be able to teach all levels of education, at some point in my life, but I will settle with middle and high school Math.
4. I live for kids, anything to do with them I'd do it. I also enjoy martial arts, doing it, watching it.. the works.
5. To be honest I'll take risks whenever I see fit.. if i have to, I will.
6. I am a hands-on learner, I will voice my opionion in class when I see it needs to be voiced, I will ask questions, I always try and be honest.
7. Im a tad bit scatterbraind, in a good way, I sometimes make circles with my explainations. I told you today in ED 253 about my home life at the moment.
8. I think any medical technology is amazing, but on the whole I feel technology criples some peoples learning.
9. Cell Phone
10. I get my notebooks out and start my homework, usually with a calculator, and a laptop.
11. I feel computers and calculators are extreamly overused, and should be limited to absolutly nesicary.
12. I feel we should use the smartboards as a real tool, and use the website to help with after school help, i.e. with some sample questions, like webassign.net for the math classes.
        1. Why do you believe technology is so important to education, in an honest opionion?
         2. Which piece of technology should be used the most in education?

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