Thursday, September 30, 2010


My first day at service, was a blast. I noticed right away, that this wasn't my "type" of crowd. Which is fine, but i realized that i could not bring my baggage with me. I had to be completely open, and ready to handle whatever the kids i was tutoring were going to throw out at me. Even though i felt a little uncomfortable, I was pleasantly surprised to find out the girl i was going to help with science was really interested in becoming a lawyer, which is fantastic, she also at 17 has written 2! books. She told me that she wouldn't want to publish them yet, that they were hers for now. I cant wait to go back, next week.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Interview/ website talk

I had an interview with one of my math teachers from high school. He wants a website that is user friendly, and that would give his students some extra practice.

I want to make a notes section for him, where he can just upload all of the problems onto the website.

He needs a link to his new teachers grade book, not for the kids to see, but for parents to see what their kids are missing in class.

There might be more to it than that, i want to link up pages for the other math teachers too.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Web 2.0

I feel like the main subjects for the program would be constant communication with the teacher. i.e. chat room, and have open notes for the class. with this kind of openness for the class room we could have a better source for learning. Even have verbal notes online. A parents section for the parents to know how to help the kids with thier homework.